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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life Reflections

Do you sometimes sit and wonder where you life has gone? What direction it has taken? I do it all time. Life can take you many directions, some that you may not want to go. I know mine has and although I don't hate my life, I sometimes wish it could be better. Does that sound selfish? Probably, but I have learned over the years that if you are not honest with yourself, then you can't change what you don't like. 

I used to be jealous of others that had more then me , drove those fancy cars and lived in nice houses, but then I asked myself "why be jealous?" yes, they may have more then me, but those are only materials things and what i have is far greater.  I have a great home, (not a big house, but one that I love) friends, family, husband that loves me unconditionally and awesome kids. But just because I have these things doesn't mean that I want to change somethings about my life.  

I am the biggest procrastinator and that is because I am afraid of failure. My mom and husband are constantly telling me "if you don't get out there and try it then you don't know if you can succeed with it" Those words rang so true, but just getting the courage to do is another thing. I fail in the aspect that I don't try, you don't know how many projects I have started only to stop them.  I used to have an graphic design business, but I stop doing it years ago. Had I continued with it I may be successful with it right now. 

I have decided, as you may have read in my last post, that I am going to take the steps to do what I always wanted to do since I was a teenager.  Write,  I don't know how many nights I would stay in my room when I was younger and write stories.  Some were bad and some was good, but the bottom line is I loved to do it and still do. Just marriage, raising kids got in the way and I stopped that as well. See the pattern here :)  My biggest goal is to make a career out of it. 

So the moral of my story as i am sure you heard thousands times before, never give up on your dreams no matter what life throws at you and never take for granted what you have. Love your life, friends, family and children and always find time to laugh. Until next time..


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