Well I have started towards my writing career, I have started my own squidoo and hub page pages. I am really excited about this, it felt good to be able to sit down and write a article and actually finish it :) I think it turned out pretty good for my first one. You can see my pages in my link section if you wanna take a look see. I have many more articles in the works and will be moving onto writing my own ebook. Not sure about what the subject will be yet, as i have alot of ideas to toy with.
Now since I have started, I hope I can keep myself on track with this. Seems I get distracted alot lately with my family, life, etc. But I will just have to make the time and work towards my goals. I even told my son earlier that I was going to write a novel one day and his exact words was "I am sure you will" and I said " you don't think that I will" and he said "sure". Now I am hoping he meant he had faith in me or his way of saying, "yea okay mom, whatever" lol
Well I just wanted to share my excitement, well to me anyways it is :) Until next time..