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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yay, hubby may be working!

Well, just got some good news today. My husband was called back for a second interview today, so if all goes well he will be officially off the unemployment line. I hope he does get it because he has been looking for 4 months to find a job. Personally I am getting tired of having to go to my parents to help buy groceries or pay a bill, there is only so much griping I can take lol. But all and all I am so grateful for my parents.

Plus, my husband has been driving me crazy :) don't get me wrong I love him, but when he doesn't have anything to do he gets very annoying and clingy. Its like dude, find a hobby or something! Oh, well hopefully soon he will be working and all will go back to normal. Well as normal as my family can get :) well keep ya posted, until next time...


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