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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Its been awhile, time to vent!

Anywho, to break things down for ya.. my husband and I bought a trailer about a month ago. Paid cash with settlement money I got for an work related injury.. but after the trailer was bought and the new furniture, etc. didn' leave hardly any money left. Well now we are practically broke. My husband and I have been trying to find a job about 4 weeks now and for some reason these managers are overlooking us and my husband has the experience. I can understand why they would overlook me because I don't have alot of work experience, due to being a stay at home mom since my kids was young. luckily we get some income coming in with my husbands ssi checks, bt by the time we pay our lot rent and what bills we can pay.. it doesn't leave us with much. Its hard to make very little money stretch out for a full month

Its getting frustrating to know end. I am constantly looking on the computer for jobs and daily submitting applications. I had on interview, but even though I had the experience for that job they overlooked me because of my lapse in work history. My husband had one manager say they will call him back, only to not get that phone call. I mean seriously what is going on in this world? Do you have to literally beg and grovel to get a job now days? Honestly, I am tired of busting my butt everything trying to find any job, only to get overlooked. Now I know why alot of people start working from home, I am conserdng that myself. But that will take a while to get going and we need the money now. Has anyone been having that same issue? If so,please let me know I am not alone. :)


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