Today, I literally went postal on my husband. Yelling, screaming, throwing things, saying hurtful things to him. It all started because something he said rub me the wrong way and it was just a little thing. I am not usually this way and i don't like it when I get this way, it seems lately I have been on edge about everything and I am not myself. I have alot going on in my life right now and I guess everything is starting to catch up with me.
I used to have a real bad temper, but I learned to control it but lately I have been seeing it come out more and I don't like that side of me. I have lot of build up anger inside of me and it isn't towards my husband, but I take it out on him. It isn't fair to him and I hate myself for doing it.
But today I think I have made a break thru and realize why I am so angry, so now its up to me to fix it. It may mean pissing people off along the way, but I am willing to take that risk. I have let everybody and everything control my life for so long, now its time to take that control back.
So let me give you a word of advice, if you are angry at something and its eating you up "DON'T TAKE OUT ON THE ONES YOU LOVE" because in the end you will regret it. Also take that control back and do whatever you have too to let go of that anger, even if it means confronting the situation or person your angry at.
Just some words of wisdom.. until next time..