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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Calgon Take Me Away!

Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you could run away :) Well today has been one of those days for me.  Woke up with a splitting headache, which I been having every day for a week. I have a back injury, which when it hurts my head hurts and then throw me being stressed out on top of that. Filed my taxes and I keep getting rejected emails, so having to deal with that and then my 18 yr daughter is giving us attitudes.  You see why I say "Calgon take me away" I am surprised I haven't gone 10 floor crazy by now. My poor husband just laughs at me and deals the best way he can with my moods. Believe me I am not easy to be around when I am like this.

Oh, well it has to better sooner or late, right? Please god let it get better because I so need a break from all this madness.  This year has just started and it feels like the middle of the year. To much shit going on and to much drama having to put up with.  But that is life, I guess.  I want just want a simple, non drama life, is that possible? Probably not, but hey I can dream! Well writing this post has help me vent, so til next time.. 


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