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All I can say is job hunting sucks, especially when you been out of the loop for almost 2 years. I have been out putting in applications, filling out applications online for the past 2 weeks and have gotten two call backs. I know that isn't so bad, but most of the hiring managers look at my pathethic work history and are prolly thinking "why should I bother with this woman" I went to an interview today, altho she did say that I had the experience, but she did comment on my lack of work history. hmm.. so I guess I will find out in a couple of days if she calls me. I so hope I do get it.. its only part time but it something until I find something better. Plus it gives me time to focus on my online activities :) But in the meantime I will keep looking, evedutally somebody will take pity on me and give me a break! Well until next time...
I sometimes wonder how I am going to stop the feud between my daughter and my husband. My dh is her step father and she accepts him, but she is 18, very outspoken and has attitudes once in awhile that leads into fights with him. My dh can't stand that and gets angry. Sometimes he will say hurtful things like shut up, etc. He also has different views then I do and if it isn't done his way then that leads into fights. My dh and her get into just about every day and I am to the point where I don't know what to do about it. I feel like I am getting dragged in the middle of it, caught between both of them. I love my daughter very much as I do my dh, but if I take my daughters side my dh gets mad and if I take his side my daughter gets mad.
I have tried talking to my dh but he want listen to me always saying that I am taking her side, which I'm not unless I feel he has done wrong. I told myself that maybe I need to just keep my mouth shut and stay out of it. But she is my dauther, so it isn't that easy. Grant it my daughter is wrong with her attitudes and the way she talks to him or us, but he is in the wrong too sometimes. I feel like I am caught in between a rock and a hardplace. It also breaks my heart, bc the more he acts this way the more I am disapointed in him and losing my respect. I just wish I could snap my fingers and everything will be okay, because I honestly don't know how much of this I can take. Just like I have always told him and her enough is enough. Something has to give, or steps has to be taken to end it. The question is when or what?
It seems I can't find time these past couple of days to blog, I honestly don't know how people with more then one blog does it. The ironic thing is I plan on starting atleast 3 more blogs. Hmm.. I know what your thinking "where is she going to find time?" especially when you are running a household like mine and taking care of kids. I am constantly having my daughter scream "mamma" when she gets home from school and she is 18 lol or my husband wanting me for some reason. Its get frustrating because I am very passionate about this blog, although it is a personal blog its away for me to express who I am and also its a great stress releaser lol. I am sure there are alot of mommy bloggers out there that symphatize with me. Hopefully I will get on a schedule and be able to stick to it, I feel I have to treat my blogs like a job. Because although this one isn't generating income, my goal is for my others one too. So I guess it will be alot hours sitting at my computer and a schedule to stick too. Well once agian its almost midnight, so I will bear you good night and until next time..
Phew.. man I so hate moving.. this past couple of weeks have been on headache after another. Well if you have been reading my posts you may already know that we have bought us a new trailer and its just beautiful. Far cry from what we was living in. Woohoo, finally made out of that hell hole. I am not kidding I am talking litearly, that place was falling part and had black mode in it. So we needed to get out of there and my settlement money is what did it. Now we live in a beautiful trailer that is in one piece and in a nice trailer park. (which my kids live in..hehehehehehe. Such a big plus)
So now I am back and will be posting more, plus a few other projects in the works. Got to help pay the bills in our new home, so I guess that means long hours on the computer lol Oh, well if that is what it takes, then so be it. Tommorrow is Tip Tuesdays, so I will be posting some great tips, so don't forget to check them out. Good night all and until next time...